source/target-file-error | General condition for file errors that have a source and target. |
source/target-source-does-not-exist-error | This error is signaled when the source file does not exist. |
source/target-target-already-exists-error | This error is signaled when the target pathname already exists. |
help-text-mixin | |
margins-mixin | |
view-requiring-cleanup-mixin | A mixin for views that require clean-up *before* they are destroyed. To use, inherit from this c... |
*development-mode* | |
*file-if-exists* | Default behavior to use when opening files if they already exist. |
*samep-test* | Used by samep to determine if two things are 'the same'. Defaults to #'equal |
*use-native-debugger* | |
+very-small-number+ | Someones idea of a very small number. Used in very-small-number-p. |
+whitespace-characters+ |
+minutes-per-hour+ | The number of minutes in one hour. |
+seconds-per-hour+ | The number of seconds in one hour. |
+seconds-per-minute+ | The number of seconds in one minute. |
+usual-days-per-year+ | The number of days in an ordinary year. |
add-class-if-necessary | Adds the superclass to the class-list unless it's already there. |
add-classes-if-necessary | |
add-dynamic-class-for-parameters | |
add-parameter->dynamic-class | |
all-pairs | Returns all pairs of elements in list LST. |
array-row | Returns the row'th row of array. Array is assumed to be two dimensional and row is assumed to be... |
best | fn must be a predicate of two arguments; returns the element which, according to the predicate, b... |
binary-search | |
car-safe | Returns the car of `x' if it's a cons, NIL otherwise. |
cdr-safe | Returns the cdr of `x' if it's a cons, NIL otherwise. |
choose-directory-question | |
choose-file-question | |
choose-item-from-pup | Present an interface to allow a choice from a list. Can throw :cancel. |
choose-item-from-pup-no-singletons | Like choose-item-from-pup, but just returns the datum if it is an atom or a singleton list. |
choose-item-question | |
choose-new-file-question | |
circular-list | Builds a circular list with `elements'. |
class-copyable-p | |
cleanup-parsed-parameter | |
collect-garbage | Tell lisp that now is a good time to collect any accumulated garbage. |
combinations | Returns all combinations of elements in LISTS, where first element of each combination is from li... |
compact-array | Destructively compacts an array with fill-pointer. Works on type T arrays and considers elements ... |
compose | Return a function that is the composition of fn1 and fn2. I.e., (compose f1 f2)[x] == (f1 (f2 [x... |
conjoin | Returns the conjuction of the predicates given as arguments. As with ~ AND, evaluation stops ... |
constant-expression-p | |
convert-clauses-into-lists | |
convert-clauses-into-lists* | |
copy-array | |
copy-file | Copies the file designated by the non-wild pathname designator FROM to the file designated by the... |
current-load-file | |
curry | Curries fun on the fly |
curry-after | Sometimes we want to curry a function over some arguments that appear at the end of the arg list ... |
date-and-time-string | Current date and time returned as a string. |
date-string | Date returned as a string, in the format `Wednesday, June 7, 1989' |
date-string-brief | Returns a string representing the `time` (which defaults to the current universal time). The stri... |
day->string | Returns the name of `day-of-the-week`. The parameter should be a number between 0 and 6 where 0 r... |
day-of-year | Returns the day of the year [1 to 366] of the specified date [which must be (CL) universal time f... |
days-in-month | Returns the number of days in the specified month. The month should be between 1 and 12. |
default-interface | Return the current default interface (this is setfable). |
determine-dynamic-class | |
disjoin | Returns the disjunction of the predicates given as arguments. As with ~ OR, evaluation stops ... |
dotted-pair-p | Returns true if and only if `putative-pair` is a dotted-list. I.e., if `putative-pair` is a cons ... |
empty-add-parameter->dynamic-class | |
empty-all-add-parameter->dynamic-class | |
ensure-filename-safe-for-os | |
ensure-list | If `x` is a list then ensure-list returns it. If `x` is an atom, then this returns a singleton li... |
eos-namestring-from-date | forms a namestring based on date and time, in the form of <perfix>-09JUN03-010903 where 010903 is... |
export-exported-symbols | Make the exported symbols in from-package be also exported from to-package. |
file-newer-than-file-p | Compares the write dates of `file1' and `file' and returns T if `file' is newer than `file2' or i... |
file-package | Tries to determine the package of a file by reading it one form at a time and looking for in-pack... |
file-to-list | Convert a file into a list by opening it and calling read repeatedly. |
filter-values | FILTER as defined in _On_Lisp_. Given a list, collects all the non-nil results of applying FN... |
find-all | Find all those elements of sequence that match item, according to the keywords. Doesn't alter ... |
find-all-if | Return a copy of sequence with elements such that predicate(element) is null removed |
find-all-if-not | Return a copy of sequence with elements such that predicate(element) is non-null removed |
find-or-create-class | Try to find a class which is a subclass of root and all of the other `classes` as well. If no suc... |
firstn | Returns first 'n' elements of list. |
flatten | Flattens LIST. Does not handle circular lists but does handle dotted lists. |
float->integer | You can't coerce a float to an integer, because they want to you decide whether you want to use r... |
form-keyword | Finds or interns a symbol in the keyword package whose name is formed by concatenating the pretty... |
form-symbol | Finds or interns a symbol in the current package whose name is formed by concatenating the pretty... |
form-symbol-in-package | Finds or interns a symbol in package whose name is formed by concatenating the pretty printed rep... |
form-uninterned-symbol | Creates and returns an uninterned symbol whose name is formed by concatenating the pretty printed... |
format-date | Formats universal dates using the same format specifiers as NSDateFormatter. The format is: %% -... |
gc-time | Returns the total amount of time that this Lisp session has spent in garbage collection. |
gensym* | |
gensym0 | Ignores its argument and returns a gensym. Useful for mapping of a bunch of arbitrary forms, sin... |
graph-search | Find a state that satisfies goal-p. Start with states, and search according to successors and ... |
group | Return the elements of `list' grouped in sublists of length `n,' which should be a positive integ... |
inspect-things | |
is-default-interface-available-p | |
iterate-over-indexes | Apply fn to lists of indexes generated from symbol counts. The counting is done so that the first... |
lambda-list->args | Takes a formal parameter list, possibly containing things like &optional or (key default), and re... |
leap-year-p | Returns t if the specified year is a leap year. I.e. if the year is divisible by four but not by ... |
length-1-list-p | Is x a list of length 1? Note that this is better than the naive (= (length x) 1) because we don'... |
length-exactly-p | Returns true if the lenght of `thing` is exactly `n`... no more, no less. |
linearize-array | |
list->formatted-string | This is a convenience function for when the intracacies of format are just too much. It takes a l... |
make-initialized-array | Creates an array initialized from using `inits' which is a list of the form ((<index-1> <init-fo... |
make-sorter | Returns a sorter-predicate that returns true if it follows the KEYS-AND-PREDICATES specification.... |
map-> | Really generalized mapping. |
map-combinations | Call fn on all combinations of elements in LISTS, where first element of each combination is from... |
map-files | Apply the function to all of the files in wildcarded-file-spec. Any additional args are passed al... |
map0-n | Returns list resulting from applying fn to all numbers i in [0, n]. |
map1-n | Returns list resulting from applying fn to all numbers i in [1, n]. |
mapa-b | Returns list resulting from applying fn to all numbers i in [a, b]. |
mapappend | A non-destructive mapcan. |
maparray | |
maparray! | |
mapcars | Has the some effect as (mapcar fn (apply #'append lsts)). |
match | |
minimize | Returns the ``smallest'' element. Supports all the usual reduce keywords. PRED sees the new val... |
month->string | Returns the name (in English) of the month. Format can be :long or :short. |
most | fn is a scoring function of one argument; returns the element with the highest score. |
mostn | |
nearly-equal-p | Returns true if x and y are within threshold of each other. |
nearly-zero-p | Returns true if `x` is within threshold of 0d0. |
newsym | Create a new uninterned symbol whose print name begins with `prefix', which may be a string or a ... |
nicely-format-filename | Write out a representation of file to stream. There are options to show or hide the type of the f... |
nmerge-list | Destructive merge of `list2' into `list1'. Both lists are may be changed. This works best if the... |
nth-elt-of-cross-product | Suppose we created a multidimensional array, with as many dimensions as we have sets, and in whic... |
nth-elt-of-cross-product-as-multiple-values | Returns list of values of `nth-elt-of-cross-product' as multiple values. See it for documentation... |
object->string | Uses the Common Lisp `string' function to convert `object' into a string, but also converts objec... |
parameter->dynamic-class | |
parse-brief-slot | Returns a verbose-style slot specification given a brief style, consisting of a single symbol, th... |
parse-date-and-time | Converts `spec' to a universal time. Spec can either be a number, in which case this is a no-op,... |
parse-date-and-time-string | Parses strings expressing the day and/or time, such as 12/4/61 4:03:15. The date part should look... |
parse-interval-or-never | parse a string either describing a time interval or never. for a time interval, the number of s... |
partition | Partitions SEQ based on FN. Returns twa values: (a) the list of all elements of SEQ for which... |
pathname-name+type | Returns a new pathname consisting of only the name and type from a non-wild pathname. |
percent-overlap | Returns what percentage of elements in list-a are in list-b (alternate definition: Returns what p... |
permute | |
physical-pathname-directory-separator | Returns a string representing the separator used to delimit directories in a physical pathname. F... |
power-set | Returns the power set of SET. This of course uses exponential time and space. |
pretty-namestring-from-date | Returns a representation of the date (which defaults to the current date and time) preceeded by a... |
print-brief-time-interval | Returns a string that describes the time elapsed by `secs' in the format [[H]Hh][M]Mm. For exampl... |
print-brief-ut | Prints only those aspects of `ut' that differ from `ref-time.' Both times should be in universal-... |
print-date | Prints the information in the form `Wednesday, June 7, 1989' |
print-time | Prints the information in the form `12:34 pm' |
print-time-interval | Prints the time elapsed by `seconds.' For example, 125 prints ``2 minutes, 5 seconds'' If `print-... |
print-universal-time | Prints a universal time to stream using `print-time`. The output can be normal or brief. |
print-ut | Prints `ut' in the format [M]M/[D]D [H]H:MM or [M]M/[D]D [H]H:MM:SS if `print-seconds?' is true. ... |
query-user-for-integer | |
query-user-for-string | |
quit-lisp | |
reduce-if | See MINIMIZE. Primary difference: no non-standard keyword behavior. |
remove-illegal-filename-characters | Removes illegal characters from the file name NAME. |
remove-leading-quote | Removes the first quote from a list if one is there. |
remove-members | Removes all members of BAD from the list FROM. |
rename-file-if-present | Renames a file to a unique name based on its file-write-date. See unique-file-name-from-date. |
same-length-p | An optimized version of the naive (= (length list-1) (length list-2)). |
set-equal | Returns t if list1 and list2 are equal (as sets). If list1 and list2 are not equal returns (as mu... |
short-eos-namestring-from-date | |
sort-using-list-order | Sorts the list `x' using the other list `list' as a index. |
stop-notes | |
string->month | |
string->symbol | Returns the string as a bare symbol, replacing any whitespace with dashes. ~ This is the (near... |
string-after | Returns the part of string before the first appearance of CHAR. (If FROM-END is T, we count fr... |
string-before | Returns the part of string before the first appearance of CHAR. (If FROM-END is T, we count fr... |
string-contains-p | Returns t if string contains the string-to-find. Case insensitive unless specified, and you can a... |
string-ends-with | |
string-starts-with | |
substring | |
symbol->string | Returns a symbol as a string, replacing any dashes with spaces. The inverse ~ of string->symbo... |
time-date | Returns the date part of the given time. |
time-day-of-week | Returns the day-of-week part of the given time. |
time-daylight-savings-time-p | Returns the daylight-savings-time-p part of the given time. |
time-hour | Returns the hour part of the given time. |
time-minute | Returns the minute part of the given time. |
time-month | Returns the month part of the given time. |
time-second | Returns the second part of the given time. |
time-string | Time returned as a string, in the format `12:34 pm' |
time-string-with-no-colons | Time returned as a string, in the format `12-34 pm' |
time-year | Returns the year part of the given time. |
tokenize-string | Splits a string at delimiter and returns a list of the parts. |
total-bytes-allocated | Returns the total number of bytes that this Lisp session has allocated. |
transpose | |
transpose2 | |
tree-find | Finds the atom ITEM within the arbitrarily-nested cons TREE. |
tree-find-if | Finds first cons in TREE that satisfies TEST. This is guaranteed to be inefficient. |
tree-map | Maps FN over every atom in TREE. |
tree-remove-if | Removes all atoms from TREE that satisfy TEST. |
tree-search | Find a state that satisfies goal-p. Start with states, and search according to successors and ... |
unique-file-name-from-date | Returns a namestring whose suffix is the `date` in the form YYMMMDDHHMMSS. The names prefix will ... |
unused-variables | Returns which of the variables defined by LAMBDA-LIST do not appear in form. This works simply... |
very-small-number-p | |
whitespacep | Returns true if char is an element of +whitespace-characters+ and nil otherwise. |
y-or-n-question |
argmax | Returns the item in items with the biggest (#'>) value of function. See best-item for a generaliz... |
argmin | Returns the item in items with the smallest (#'<) value of function. |
best-item | Returns the item in items with the 'best' value of function where 'best' is determined by test. Y... |
close-progress-bar | |
collect-garbage* | |
dialog-item-value | |
element | |
existing-subclass | |
gui-error | |
gui-warn | |
include-class-dependencies | |
inspect-thing | |
inspect-thing* | |
interface-beep | |
is-interface-available-p | Returns true is interface-name is available. |
length-at-least-p | Returns true if thing has no fewer than length elements in it. |
length-at-most-p | Returns true if thing has no more than length elements in it. |
make-color* | |
make-gray | |
make-progress-bar | |
make-scaled-color | |
make-ui-point* | |
map-forms-in-file | Reads file one form at a time (using read) and applies `function` to each one in turn. |
map-lines-in-file | Reads the file to which file-specifier resolves one line at a time (using read-line) and applies ... |
nearly-samep | Compares two things and returns true if they are the same in the sense of being interchangable. T... |
next-element | |
note-view-settings-changed | Does whatever makes sense to bring a view up-to-date when its settings have changed (e.g., it's ... |
process-parameters | |
progress-bar-value | |
prompt-for | |
put-item-on-clipboard | |
quit-lisp* | Quits Lisp |
reset | |
samep | Compares two things and returns true if they are the same in the sense of being interchangable. I... |
select-instrument | |
shell-command | |
shorten-filename-for-os | Returns a file-name for file-specifier such that it is a valid name for the current underlying OS... |
size | Returns the number of items currently in the container. |
sound-note | |
total-bytes-allocated* | |
total-size | |
uniquify-file-name | Returns a file name that is not currently in use. The strategy used if there is a conflict is to ... |
update-dialog-ui | A generic place to hang dialog updating code. |
view-scale | |
view-x/view-y->x/y |
aand | Anaphoric AND: Binds the symbol `it' to the value of the preceding `arg.' |
ablock | |
acond | Anaphoric COND: Binds the symbol `it' to the value of the preceding `clause.' |
acond2 | Needs to be documented. See Paul Graham's book. |
aif | Anaphoric IF: Binds the symbol `it' to the value of the `test.' |
aif2 | Needs to be documented. See Paul Graham's book. |
alambda | Anaphoric LAMBDA: Binds the symbol `self' to the function, so that it can call itself recursively... |
allf | |
aprog1 | Anaphoric prog1. This binds IT to the first form so that it can be used in the rest of the forms.... |
assert* | A variation on the `assert' macro in which the restart handler is bound during the execution of t... |
atypecase | Atypecase is anaphoric typecase. It is just like typecase except that it binds the thing being te... |
awhen | Anaphoric WHEN: Binds the symbol `it' to the value of the `test.' |
awhen2 | Needs to be documented. See Paul Graham's book. |
awhile | Anaphoric WHILE loop: Executes `expr' and `body' as long as `expr' is true. Binds the symbol `it'... |
awhile2 | Needs to be documented. See Paul Graham's book. |
concf | |
defclass* | Like 'defclass-brief' but also provides the :MAKE-LOAD-FORM-P, :EXPORT-P, :EXPORT-SLOTS, :NO-COP... |
defclass-brief | A macro with simpler syntax than `defclass' that allows some briefer ways of expressing things. ... |
defclass-property | Create getter and setter methods for 'property' on symbol's property lists. |
defcondition | Defcondition is a handy shortcut for defining Common Lisp conditions. It supports all of #[H][def... |
deletef | Same as (setf list (apply #'delete item list delete-args)). |
deprecated | Wrap a function definition with `deprecated' to indicate that it should no longer be used. If the... |
doplist | Iterate over each key/value pair in a plist. Key and Value are bound to successive pairs in Plis... |
ensure-type | |
eval-always | Expands into an eval-when with all the fixings. It's nothing but a shorthand. |
fn | A general-purpose function-builder. EXPR should be of the form (OPERATOR . ARGUMENTS). Will ... |
funcall-if | |
handle-errors | |
handler-bind* | Special handler-bind which allow two special control contructs inside of the condition handlers. ... |
handler-case-if | |
if-match | |
make-load-form* | |
make-obsolete | |
map-lines | An enpowered version of map-lines-in-file. This one is a macro so that you can use (return) to st... |
maxf | Sets `place' to max of its old value and `value' |
minf | Sets `place' to min of its old value and `value' |
multf | Sets `place' to (* delta place) |
named-lambda | Like `lambda,' except that the lambda has a name, which can be very useful if the function is exe... |
nilf | |
nyi | Signals an error saying that this function is not yet implemented. The args are ignored, but by ... |
once-only | Generate code that evaluates certain expressions only once. This is used in macros, for computing... |
push-end | Like PUSH, except that the value goes on the end of the PLACE list. If PLACE is (), then (value... |
rebinding | Similar to ONCE-ONLY. Typical usage: (defmacro square (x) (rebinding (x) `... |
removef | Same as (setf list (apply #'remove item list delete-args)). |
some* | An iterative version of the function `some'. Bind each element of list in turn. If the body ret... |
spy | A debugging tool: wrapping this around a form causes both the form and its values to be printed o... |
spyx | A version of `spy' which expands the forms. See the documentation for `spy,' particularly the :e... |
tf | |
toggle! | Switches the values of each place to its opposite as in (setf x (not x)). |
with-array | |
with-atomic-execution | |
with-gensyms | |
with-matrix | |
with-new-file | |
with-process-message | |
with-progress-bar | |
with-slot-bindings | makes this: (with-slot-bindings (((x x2) double-float) ((y y2) double-float)) location-2 body) in... |
with-struct | |
with-unique-names | Binds the symbols in VARS to gensyms. cf with-gensyms. |
with-variables | Using gensyms is necessary to prevent variables produced by macro expansions from interfering wit... |
\ | Similar to Haskell's \ operator. Typical usage: (\\ x y = * x y) is like (lambd... |